Rabbit Food

Rabbit food is typically made up of hay, pellets, vegetables, water, and occasional treats. The type of hay you feed your rabbit should be based on their age, size, and health condition.

For example, alfalfa hay is high in calcium and should only be fed to baby rabbits or rabbits that are pregnant or nursing. Adult rabbits should be fed a mix of Timothy hay, Oaten hay and other grass hays. The pellets you feed your rabbit should also be based on their age and health condition. For example, baby rabbits should be fed pellets that are high in fiber to help them with digestive issues. Adult rabbits should be fed a diet that consists mostly of hay with a small amount of pellets. When it comes to vegetables, there are many options to choose from. However, not all vegetables are good for rabbits. Some examples of safe vegetables for rabbits include carrots, kale, cabbage, and celery. Water is also an important part of a rabbit’s diet. Make sure to provide fresh water for your rabbit at all times.

Original price was: $135.60.Current price is: $122.00.
Original price was: $18.90.Current price is: $9.99.